    Find out what I'm doing, Follow Me :)


rot·ten (rät'n)


  1. royally pissed.
  2. in bad spirits, mood or anxiety.
  3. agitated
I don't know why but I'm just in a rotten mood right now... I mean I'm eating cheesecake listening to some good tunes but for some reason I'm just agitated.

I can't quite figure it out at all. I feel cold, I put on a sweater, and I'm too warm for the sweater. I feel uncomfortably sitting crossed legged so I switch to sitting straight and now that's bugging me so I think I'll go back to sitting crossed legged. I was playing Wii and I couldn't beat this one part, so I tried 4x got rotted and turned off the power and came over here.

Ugh. I think maybe it's my Male PMS or something tonight, I am not sure really.

Good episode of True Blood though... although my back does hurt a lot really, it's really kinda annoying.

Ok and yeah I want a car now because I hate getting my parents driving me everywhere because my mother doesn't do ANYTHING without complaining before, all during, and 10mins after doing it, so it's a real big burden just getting her to drive me to work.
Although I do understand it'd be annoying to drive me everywhere, fuck I don't know if I do it.

Wait though I do. I drive my brothers to and from work, sometimes my dad to work, and then myself to and from my two jobs and yet I only complain on here? Why is that I wonder...?

Oh well fuck it, because I'm just rotted and need to go to bed I guess.

Oh fuck but if I do then tomorrow comes sooner and I dont' want that because tomorrow morning the Painter guys start with MY room so it's not even like I get to sleep or anything because they are going to barge into my room under the permission of my parents and start goin at it (Heh, do I WISH someone would barge into my room and "go at it" because gods it's been too long.)

Maybe I'm just sexually frustrated? Sucks being good and waiting for that special someone, or just having morals in general!
Probably only most likely because I'm in a rotten mood, doesn't mean I'd wanna just fuck someone though, because we both know that wouldn't do anything to solve anything.

And who are "we" that I talk of anyways, I doubt anyone will read this entry because it's awfully long and rambling... not exactly the most exciting type of entry

Fuck it, good night.

1 people commented:

MikeyMooner said...

Aww, i read it. And just remember, it could be worse, you could be nearly 20 years old and still have never had sex... Ever. ;)