So I just got back from a little (25mins there, 25mins back) trek to the Sobey's closest to my house. The weather was nice, the area is beautiful and it was just good to be part of nature again. Minus the fact I hadn't eaten since yesterday, and even then only had a slice of pizza before work, it was a good experience.
It's good to calm yourself and look at the bugs flying around the trees, the occasional bee whizzing past your face, and the birds looming around, with the occasional car driving by on the no-side-walked road. I must say the area I live in is beautiful and it's nicely connected to nature and all the trees, and sometimes I get fawns in the backyard!
Anyways the last 24hours have been very stressful so needless to say I needed that little walk to and from Sobeys.
My mother is still being as frustrating as ever, and becoming more and more overbearing... I can't keep my sanity here much longer, and I'm not sure how much more I can take of this, no joke. Last night was almost my breaking point, wherein I just wanted to pack up everything today on my day off and just leave, never come back, and never talk to them again. It's always such an emotional rollercoaster living with them and I thought things were going to be better this time around... but I was so very wrong. Things have gotten worst. And I'm sure they will continue to get worst until I snap.
And so I'll continue to enjoy my chocolate chip eggo's and say FUCK EM.
Uploaded two pictures I took on the way down my street out of my area.
PS. My phone's camera sucks.

It's good to calm yourself and look at the bugs flying around the trees, the occasional bee whizzing past your face, and the birds looming around, with the occasional car driving by on the no-side-walked road. I must say the area I live in is beautiful and it's nicely connected to nature and all the trees, and sometimes I get fawns in the backyard!
Anyways the last 24hours have been very stressful so needless to say I needed that little walk to and from Sobeys.
My mother is still being as frustrating as ever, and becoming more and more overbearing... I can't keep my sanity here much longer, and I'm not sure how much more I can take of this, no joke. Last night was almost my breaking point, wherein I just wanted to pack up everything today on my day off and just leave, never come back, and never talk to them again. It's always such an emotional rollercoaster living with them and I thought things were going to be better this time around... but I was so very wrong. Things have gotten worst. And I'm sure they will continue to get worst until I snap.
And so I'll continue to enjoy my chocolate chip eggo's and say FUCK EM.
Uploaded two pictures I took on the way down my street out of my area.
PS. My phone's camera sucks.

2 people commented:
I hope everything gets better with you and your mom. It's terrible to want to snap on parents though it does happen. I try to keep my cool and not get angry at my mom... though it happens occasionally. I try my best not to tell her everything, really that's with most people. I would love to have the good sunshine here that is in the pictures. It' just cloudy with rain here and there. Which sucks.
Move back to Windsor.
We miss you.
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