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My Greatest Addiction: Vanilla Iced Coffee

so I know people always told me that Tim Hortons has a slight amount of nicotine in their coffee and such just to make it slightly addictive... that's a given.

and I know people when I worked at starbucks that were strictly against Tim Hortons for this idea, and a sense of superiority in the matter.

but they're just so fucking good! I absolutely cannot drink enough of these things and I feel so bad when I just devour them all the time. I know I try to limit myself to one or two (or three...) a day because well, it's a waste of money... but they're so yummy!

and not to mention a nice little cool-me-down in the nice weather given to us here in nova scotia.

so I thought I would buy you a one, as a taster just so you would understand where I'm coming from when I say they are delish!

3 people commented:

Miss T said...

Aaaah! Now we know the secret to you blogging so often - caffeinne!
I dont even drink coffee, tea, cappuccino etc. I donno why but i just never took to the stuff. Just give me drinking yoghurt and ice cream anyday!

MikeyMooner said...

YUM YUM! I can't wait to try me one of those... Vanilla AND iced, what more can you ask for? =)

Ashli said...


All this time I've been buying regular ice coffee from Tim Hortons.


I just wet myself.