Tomorrow is my first day of work Part 1, as stated in my title...
I start at Staples tomorrow and begin my training for the Electronics section which is going to be nothing short of hilarious for the following reasons:
a. I know nothing about computers
b. I'm not an aggressive salesperson
c. the discount sucks (10%)
d. not sure how to continue this list
So we will see exactly how everything goes, and I'm sureeee I will keep u informed.
ps. i hate having to go to bed at a certain time, it's like having a curfew all over again.
pps. tomorrow i see District 9! -- which i AM very excited for.
I start at Staples tomorrow and begin my training for the Electronics section which is going to be nothing short of hilarious for the following reasons:
a. I know nothing about computers
b. I'm not an aggressive salesperson
c. the discount sucks (10%)
d. not sure how to continue this list
So we will see exactly how everything goes, and I'm sureeee I will keep u informed.
ps. i hate having to go to bed at a certain time, it's like having a curfew all over again.
pps. tomorrow i see District 9! -- which i AM very excited for.
2 people commented:
I wanna go see district 9! Lucky! have fun! :)
Haha I use to work at Office Depot, the job blows, but there was always enough to keep me busy and not to bored to death.
Good luck in the job. If you really wanna make a better day, greet and talk to customers in different accents, I use to and had a blast .
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