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Birthday sum-up

wow today turned out for the better somewhat.

sure I'm not going out or anything tonight like I had wanted to, or even to grab a beer would have been nice too, but at least I went from crying in my bed listening to Matthew Good: Champion of Nothing, to crying with my dad and getting two birthday gifts that I said I wanted:

a. laptop desk, one of those small ones I can fit in the corner!
b. a nice comfy leather chair that I can sit on in the corner with the new desk!

mood: a lot happier now.

and because I can position my lamp the right way, I can use my webcam now because it's not as grainy, which is also nice because now I can video conference with friends I haven't seen in a while... and with you. =]

now I'm off with my brother to pick up my other brother at his work... fun.
at least thing time he asked me if I wanted to come along? I mean that counts for something right? He coulda asked my dad...

anyways, I am really happy with my family right now... until they piss me off =]
but I'll still love them like crazy til I die.

oh ps. dad wrote me a letter with my birthday card which made us both cry like crazy, posted inside a cute card saying:

Happy Birthday To A
Terrific Son
Who's Never Been
One Bit of Trouble

Isn't Selective Memory

heh, thanks dad.

3 people commented:

Kelvin Oliver said...

That's good you had a good birthday. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You do have two wonderful gifts. I wished I had a desk, but my desktop computer takes up the space. But I'm glad to have a laptop. Awesome post.

Miss T said...

Happy Belated Birthday then. Good to hear you enjoyed it...i cant beleive you cried. Thts sweet.
Hey did your birthday fall on the same day as your first day of work?

ZNLA said...

Yeah my first day at the one job was my birthday LOL.