Okay so 12 US troops have died in Iraq in the last 48 hours... as CNN reports, 10 were soldiers and two were US marines and that "...with the deaths, 3,545 U.S. military personnel have died in the Iraq war -- 68 of them in the month of June. " That is approximately 3,545 families that have been impacted by the war. Match that to the number given by the Washington Post that in the first 18 months of the Iraqi Coalition, the Iraqi body count had reached 655,000.
I personally have no clue what is happening here anymore. I mean that to be as cliche as possible because I understand what is happening but I have a hard time understanding why we must shed more blood. Call it pacifist (or pansy?) of me, but I think we are in need of focusing more on bigger and better things than this war in Iraq.
The United States of America needs to focus more inwards, and root out its own problems, as I see it, before it can try rooting out other country's problems. A little hypocritical don't you think? Or does hypocrosy not apply to Nations?
After then, they should worry more about preserving people and not destroying them. The United States has a full hand of cars and needs to learn how to play them right. With it's power and technology it should be focusing its resources to solving something like Aids, or Cancer, of Lou Gehrigs Disease.
Ironically enough, they would have an easier time doing that than solving the mess they created in the Middle East (or MENA as now classified).
Its simple: focus more on killing rats for the betterment of human kind, than focusing on killing people for the betterment of Democracy.
(Ps. I do not condone animal-testing, or animal cruelty, just stating the facts)
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